Frequently Asked Questions

Is tap water in the US really that bad?
Yes, no, kind of. Well, it’s complicated. The shortest possible answer is yes, generally speaking US tap water is safe to drink. US tap water is regulated by the EPA Safe Drinking Water Act. This piece of legislation monitors 90+ contaminants that have been deemed unsafe at certain levels. Although our water systems are regulated by the federal government, they are managed locally. There are over 50,000 different utilities managing drinking water systems across the country. These utilities are funded primarily through usage vs federal funding initiatives and tax dollars. The fragmentation and lack of federal funding have caused the utilities to age without proper maintenance. The vast majority of the infrastructure was built in the 1970’s and after 50 years of wear and tear the infrastructure is starting to crumble. For this reason, the US’s tap water quality continues to slip and isn't even in the top 20 globally when it comes to countries with the cleanest drinking water. ​​While the infrastructure crisis is the root of the problem, the consequences manifest in many ways. Continue to read about these problems below.
Roughly 30% of utilities have been in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act in the last few years. This piece of legislation regulates acceptable levels of harmful contaminants in tap water, and the utilities are constantly in violation of their own standards. When in violation, the utility just has to take corrective action to fix the issue, but at that point, the population has already been drinking water with unsafe levels of contaminants, and unfortunately, repeat violations are now extremely commonplace.
There are 9 million lead service lines that deliver water to homes in the US. The 50-year-old lead pipes are still in use in every state in America. This is a unique problem because the utilities can’t test for it. The water picks up lead on the way to the consumer's home and they have no idea unless they test their water at the point of use. This is why you continually see lead issues surfacing in your newsfeed. The utilities have no idea it's an issue until the population begins to have adverse health effects.
PFAs or ‘Forever Chemicals’ as they are often called are an emerging threat to US drinking water. These manmade chemicals have been found in the water supply for millions of Americans. The government has come out to say that PFAs are a risk to our health, but official regulations have not yet been put in place. These emerging chemicals, and other chemicals like them are new threats that the utilities are not prepared for, and they aren’t even regulated yet at the federal level. You can read more about PFAs here, but the bottom line is they are likely in your tap water and they aren’t yet being regulated.
Water Fluoridation started back in the 1940s and still exists in about 70% of water supplies across the country. In our opinion, water fluoridation is an outdated process that causes more harm than good. Back in the mid-1900s, it was necessary to ensure the population didn't have tooth decay issues. But, as we have advanced our dental care over time, water fluoridation has become arbitrary Some even believe consuming fluoride in water comes with a slew of adverse health effects. One of the major issues with water fluoridation is that Fluoride is very hard to remove once added to a water supply. Most filters can’t treat fluoride effectively. Cloud utilizes mult-stage reverse osmosis to remove Fluoride from your drinking water while other filters can’t.
We continue to see water quality issues in the news, which has probably led your here. Why is this such a hot topic right now? Well, in a nutshell, our water system infrastructure has just passed 50 years old, it was only built to last 50 years, and the government has no plan in place and no budget to fix the degrading infrastructure. This forces water utilities to be reactive instead of proactive. Major service lines burst, lead pipes degrade more rapidly, and new toxins keep popping up that we are ill equipped to handle. That is the reality of the situation and the near future is looking pretty bleak when it comes to US drinking water standards. At the end of the day the best way to ensure water quality is to treat your water a the point of use… meaning a filter in your home.
Okay, I’m convinced I need a filter, but what is the best kind?
To boil it all down to it’s simplest form there are two distinct types of water filters. There are filters that adsorb contaminants in the water, think of a magnet attracting small metal particles, and there are filters that separate contaminants out of the water. Pitcher filters, fridge filters, and some undersink filters are all primarily carbon based, and they use that first method of filtration. Tap water passes through carbon particles and the carbon does a good job of collecting contaminants as they make their way through. The problem with this filtration method is two fold 1) adsorption based filtration methods (including both carbon and ion exchange) are formulated to remove specific contaminants, they are not a catch all solution. Many things like dissolved solids are simply unaffected 2) The second problem is that these types of filters become saturated and quickly lose efficiency. The saturation time frame is complex, and depends on the level of contamination in the tap water water. You simply won’t know when the filter is spent, or when it starts to lose effectiveness. It could be a month it could be a year.

The second primary filtration method seen in residential applications is reverse osmosis, also referred to as RO. RO filters always contain an RO membrane, this is the component that filters the water. Typically RO systems will have multiple stages of filtration including a carbon filter, sediment filter, the RO membrane, and sometimes a post filter with healthy minerals. Unlike a carbon filter, the RO membrane does not capture the toxins. It actually separates the water molecules into two batches based on the size of the molecule. Water molecules are extremely small and they are allowed to pass to one side of the membrane (the permeate side), and the larger molecules are trapped on the other side of the membrane (the brine side). This filtration method works extremely well because all of the other contaminants found in tap water are larger than water molecules. The dirty grey water that is chalk full of contaminants and dissolved solids is expelled from the system into your drain, and the pure water is sent on to your glass. Because the toxins are actually being sent out to the drain, the system lasts longer and typically works very effectively for 1-2 years before the membrane needs to be replaced.
You may have heard people talk about whole home filters, also referred to as Point of Entry (POE) systems. These systems typically consist of large tanks that sit in your garage or basement and filter all of the water before it enters your home. Whole home systems are broken down into two categories, Water Softeners and Whole Home Filters. The softeners are specifically engineered to remove hard minerals like calcium and magnesium. THese minerals can cause damage to pipes and cause many other annoyances such as smelly towels, streaks, and damaged hair. Whole House Filters are basically large carbon filters. They do a great job removing chlorine, which can really help for the bath and shower, but in our perspective it isnt the best option for drinking water because it doesnt remove a wide range of contaminants. Much of the time a whole home system, which costs several thousands of dollars, can be coupled with a drinking water system, like Cloud, for a full and complete solution.
Reverse osmosis water filters are typically multi-stage systems that deliver pure drinking water. Reverse osmosis, also referred to as RO, is considered to be one of the most robust and powerful filtration methods available for residential use. They are excellent at removing up to 99% of contaminants found in tap water including all the big names like PFAS, Lead, Fluoride, Pesticides, and Pharmaceuticals. RO filters always contain what is called an RO membrane, this is the component that filters the water. Typically RO systems will have multiple stages of filtration including a carbon filter, sediment filter, the RO membrane, and sometimes a post filter with healthy minerals. The RO proccess uses the high pressure force of your incoming water supply to force water through the RO membrane. The membrane is a tightly woven apparatus that separates the water molecules into two batches based on the molecule size. Water molecules are extremely small and they are allowed to pass to one side of the membrane (the permeate side), and the larger molecules are trapped on the other side of the membrane (the brine side). This filtration method works extremely well because all of the other contaminants found in tap water are larger than water molecules. The dirty grey water that is chalk full of contaminants and dissolved solids is expelled from the system into your drain, and the pure water is sent on to your glass. Because the toxins are actually being sent out to the drain, the system lasts longer and typically works very effectively for 1-2 years before the membrane needs to be replaced.
The pros are simple, reverse osmosis systems are the most effective at removing the widest range of contaminants. RO is the only filtration methods available for residential use that actually purifies water. The cons on RO are a bit more complex. We can start with the straightforward, RO systems are more expensive, they take up slightly more room under your sink, and typically they are a little more tricky to install because they demand a dedicated drinking water faucet in your countertop. The other criticisms of RO need a bit more explanation. First, you will hear that RO wastes water. A traditional RO system can waste anywhere from 4-10 gallons of water for every gallon of pure water produced. We agree this is a lot. But the technology is improving. The Cloud system only wastes 1 gallon of water for every gallon dispensed, and many tankless RO systems can produce 2-4 gallons of filtered water for each gallon of waste. The average American family uses upwards of 300 gallons of water at home per day, so installing an efficient RO system would likely account for a less than 1% increase in total water usage. I think 1% additional water usage is likely worth having pure water on tap. Cutting out 1 min from your daily shower would balance your water budget if you were to install an RO. The second primary criticism is that RO water is “too pure”. It works so well that it actually strips healthy minerasl like calcium, magnesium, and potassium from your drinking water. This is also true, but misleading. Yes, and RIO system does that, but most quality systems have multi[le stages, one of which is dedicated to adding these minerals back in. For example Cloud’s remineralizing post filter adds all of those minerals mentioned as well as many more trace minerals you may not find in your municipal tap water. These minerals also raise the ph, leaving you with pure, alkaline water.
Much of the time they are one and the same. Most bottled water manufacturers use reverse osmosis to filter their water. It works that well. Some companies like SmartWater will add in minerals top adjust the taste and pH, while other bottled water companies simply deliver straight RO water. If you like bottled water and you are thinking about switching to filtration, then RO is a good bet. It will give you bottled water quality water on tap, without the waste.
TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids and refers to the dissolved substances in your water. TDS is typically measured in parts per million (ppms) and gives you a sense of the amount of organic and inorganic materials, such as metals, salts, minerals and other ions, dissolved in water. In its simplest form, TDS is a measure of anything dissolved in water that is not water itself (H2O). TDS has been used as a standard measure to determine a water’s purity. Dissolved salts and minerals are the hardest substances to remove from water, so a low TDS (0-50ppms) indicates the water is approaching purity, and a high TDS(300+) means the water has a lot of stuff in it. The problem with TDS, and a major source of criticism, is that TDS alone doesn't tell you if water is “safe”. Many harmful contaminants cause a health risk at extremely low levels, while other substances like calcium are actually considered safe at very high levels. So a high TDS alone really doesn't tell you anything other than there is a lot of stuff in the water/ In filtration however TDS can be a very powerful metric. Measuring the TDS rejection rate of an RO filter will tell you haw well it’s working. If an RO system can reject 90-99% of dissolved solids then you can rest assured knowing the filter is working and your water is clean and safe. Therefore TDS is an excellent proxy for filter performance.

The second question that comes up is, what is the ideal TDS range? This is more preferential. At Cloud we look to add roughly 15-30ppms of healthy minerals to your water. This gives the water a nice smooth finish, raises the pH adequately, and doesn't negatively impact the taste
The RO process takes a while. In a traditional RO system, the water is produced in the background over a long period of time and stored in a pressurized holding tank so it is ready when you are. Tankless RO systems work to remove the middleman, the tank, from the equation. A high-pressure pump forces water through the RO membrane very quickly so the clean water is created on demand. Tankless residential systems are the new kids on the block, and like all new technologies there are a good number of issues you need to be aware of. The first is a low flow rate and low outlet pressure. Because the water is working its way directly through the RO membrane to your glass there is a lot of resistance. This resistance slows the faucet flow rate significantly and leaves you with a trickle at the faucet. A standard tankless system takes upwards of 12-15 seconds to fill a glass. The low flow and lack of outlet pressure is also not capable of hooking up to anything other than the dedicated faucet, whereas a traditional RO system can easily be retrofitted to hook up to an ice maker or fridge. Another concern with tankless systems is the pump itself. The booster pumps need a power source to run, they make a good deal of noise when dispensing water, and they tend to breakdown in a couple of years. Another major concern we have with tankless systems is the actual waste ratio. Although these systems often advertise a very low waste ratio, please read the fine print. Tankless systems have a auto-flush sequence that occurs several times per day. This cleans out the membrane and allows the system to work. THe flushing sequence forces water down the drain and oftentimes it isnt calculated into the quoted waste ratio, making tankless systems less efficient than a system like Cloud RO. Lastly we will mention performance. Tankless system struggle with a phenomenon called TDS creep. TDS creep happens with all RO systems, and basically what occurs is that when a system is sitting idly the natural process of osmosis occur and many of the minerals and contaminants in your tap water will work thor way across the RO membrane. So you have a small amount of tap water sitting on both sides of the RO membrane when the system is at rest. In a traditional RO system this is not a huge problem because that tiny bit of tap water gets mixed into a much larger volume of water (the tank) when the faucet opens. But, with a tankless system the tap water sitting there is not getting diluted, it is heading straight to your glass. The end result is your first cup of water out of the system is always going to have a much lower TDS rejection rate than advertised. Simply put, the first glass is a lot less pure in a tnankless system. On the flip side, these systems do save a bit of space when compared to traditional systems with a tnka. We would argue the space savings is nominal when compared with Cloud’s compact design but that is for you to decide.
You will hear that RO wastes water. This is likely the number one criticism cited for RO systems. A traditional RO system can waste anywhere from 4-10 gallons of water for every gallon of pure water produced. We agree this is a lot. But the technology is improving. The Cloud system only wastes 1 gallon of water for every gallon dispensed (1:1 ratio), and many tankless RO systems can achieve similar waste ratios. The average American family uses upwards of 300 gallons of water at home per day, so installing an efficient RO system would likely account for a less than 1% increase in total water usage. We think 1% additional water usage is likely worth having pure water on tap. Cutting out 1 min from your daily shower would balance your water budget if you were to install an RO
Alright but Why Cloud, how is it better than other RO systems?
Yes, yes and yes. Cloud uses multi-stage reverse osmosis filtration technology to remove 99% of toxins in your tap including the big names like PFAS, lead, fluoride, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and nuclear particles. Simply put any contaminants that you are worried about Cloud can help you remove/reduce. Reverse osmosis filtration is very powerful, and while all filters are not created equally, you can rest assured that a high quality RO system is going to be the most robust filtration method available for residential use.

You can can access the full list of contaminants removed and other technical details on our Tech Specs sheet HERE
Cloud is officially NSF 58 certified! The water filtration industry is full of confusing and misleading claims. We are excited about our NSF certification and we learned a ton going through the process. We have built out an entire NSF FAQ page to help you navigate the water filtration testing and certification landscape. Check out how Cloud RO stacks up and learn more about the NSF certification and standards HERE.
Does Kind of, not really… well, it’s complicated. The reverse osmosis process is one of the most powerful purification processes on earth. To answer the question, we need to take a step back to fully understand how the filter works. Using concentrated pressure, water is pushed through an RO (reverse osmosis) membrane: a semi-permeable, compact filter that even micro-sized heavy metals, pesticides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can’t slip through. All of the nasty toxins are forced one way, and pure water is forced the other way. The dirty, toxin ridden water, also referred to as grey water, is sent packing down your drain pipe. You are left with pristine drinking water. So, does Cloud RO waste water? Technically yes, the ratio of dirty water to clean drinking water is about 1:1. This is also the reason we only recommend using the RO process for drinking and cooking water supplies and not whole house systems. And while the dirty water is technically “waste” we would argue that grey water is unfit for human consumption anyhow.

It is also important to remember that not all RO systems are the same, and some do waste A LOT of water. A traditional RO system can waste anywhere from 4-10 gallons of water for every gallon of pure water produced. We agree this is way too much. But the technology is improving. The Cloud system only wastes 1 gallon of water for every gallon dispensed (1:1 ratio), and many tankless RO systems can achieve similar waste ratios. The average American family uses upwards of 300 gallons of water at home per day, so installing an efficient RO system would likely account for a less than 1% increase in total water usage. We think 1% additional water usage is likely worth having pure water on tap. Cutting out 1 min from your daily shower would balance your water budget if you were to install an RO
The Cloud app is designed to put you in charge of your drinking water quality and consumption. Our goal with the app is to build trust and transparency with your Cloud system. We do this by displaying a couple of key metrics. First is your filter status and drinking water quality. We use TDS measuremnts (Total Dissolved Solids) at every stage of filtration to confirm the filter is working as it should. You can see the TDS of your incoming tap water, you can see how much of those dissolved solids are being removed (typically 90-98%), and then you can see how much mineral content we are adding back in. In addition to these water quality readings, you can also see how much water your family is consuming on a monthly basis. The combination of water consumption and filter effectiveness will calculate an estimated filter replacement date. Your filter replacement date is predictive and will update as you continue to use your system. When your system is ready for a filter replacement the app will notify you and prompt you to order the needed cartridges.

In addition to the above you can also see a ballpark snapshot of your pH, mineral content, and toxins reported in your local tap water. The app connects to your device via bluetooth, so make sure to check your quality and consumption periodically when you are filling up your glass.
Cloud RO raises your water’s pH to alkaline levels by adding essential trace minerals like calcium and magnesium into the purified water before it hits your glass. This process is called remineralization. There are two commonly used practices when it comes to Alkaline water. One of these practises is called electrolysis, and is commonly used by Kangen machines, or eloctrolyzers. This process involves applying a current to the water to separate the hydrogen and oxygen. The electrical charge changes the chemical makeup of water and allows for pH adjustment. Cloud does not use electrolysis. Instead, we use a process called remineralization. After the water has been purified it runs through a final post filter on its way to your glass. The postfilter includes several natural minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and others. The water picks up these minerals as the water passes over them. The minerals naturally raise the water’s pH making it alkaline.

Typically, a newly installed mineral cartridge will provide a pH of 9-10, and the pH will drop overtime. The pH typically stabilizes in the 7.5-9.5 range and will jump back up upon the next filter change. It is important to remember that pH is a difficult value to pin down and fulctuates based on many factors including contact time with the minerals, water temperature and influent water composition. For this reason you may see fluctuations in pH from one glass to the next.
Yes, lots actually! We tested and tasted many different mineral blends to come up with our proprietary formula. Our post filter contains many different mineral beads that contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, and other trace minerals. These minerals help to give Cloud water a silky texture, smooth finish, and even increase the pH making it Alkaline water.
Cloud water tastes amazing! Our customers continuously tell us how much they love the taste of their new Cloud water. The purified water passes over a proprietary mineral blend that gives the water a silky texture and smooth finish, similar to some of the high end water bottle brands like SmartWater or Fiji.
One of the most common complaints we hear about reverse osmosis systems is that they leave you with a trickle at the faucet, and it takes an eternity to fill your glass or bottle. Not Cloud. Cloud has an internal hydraulic pump that maximizes system pressure. On average you can fill a full glass of water (10-12ozs) from the dedicated faucet in less than 6 seconds.
Cloud’s internal pump and system design allows 400% faster water production than a traditional RO. The holding tank has a 2.8 gallon capacity and typically takes about an hour to fully fill up. Pure water is produced whenever you start to deplete the tank, so unless you plan on using over 2 gallons in one sitting you will likely never run out of water.
Cloud has a unique modular design and small tank size that saves space under your sink. The system typically sits in front of the tank, but the cords are long enough for you to arrange however fits best within your current under-sink plumbing. We know under-sink storage is precious. Make sure you measure before ordering to ensure you’ll have enough space.

System: 11” L x 7” W x 16”
Tank: 9” L x 9” W x 15” H
We are a US company based in San Diego, CA. Our manufacturer is in a cutting edge facility in Shuzho, China. The Cloud manufacuring facility exclusively produces high-end water filters. We talked to manufacturers all over the world, including the US, but the factory we selected was by far the most advanced with the highest quality standards. They make high-end filtration devices for other filtration companies operating in the APAC region, which has more dire water concerns than here in the US, so they are well-versed in the technical system specifications and quality standards. In addition to our manufacturing standards, Cloud has stringent quality control and inspection standards once the system reach our stateside warehouse and distribution center. We ensure the quality of each unit with a 100% money back guarantee.
Cloud is made of a variety of materials including BPA-free food grade plastic, stainless steel, and multiple filter medias. All surfaces that touch the water are specially treated to ensure they do not leach inot the filtered water supply.

We often see this question in correlation to microplastic concerns, so we will also address that here. We agree plastic leaching and microplastic pollution is a major issue affecting consumer products. It is estimated that we consume a credit cards worth of plastic particles each year through the food we eat and the liquids we drink. We want Cloud to be a microplastic solution for your family and not a cause for concern.

Cloud RO removes 100% of microplastics, and while the filter housings and tubes themselves are made of BFA-free, food-grade plastic, the system is certified to remove microplastics and prevent leaching. Although the system does have plastic components, the filtration process eliminates the risk of plastic exposure by filtering out any micro and nano plastics that might be present in the water

Our system uses a four-stage filtration process. We incorporate both carbon block filters and RO membranes, both of which have been proven to remove 100% of microplastics.

Microplastics range in size, but the smallest (nano-plastics) have a measurement of roughly 0.001-0.1 microns. Our reverse osmosis membrane has a pore size of roughly 0.0001 microns. So, the filter membrane is 10-1000x smaller than even the smallest nanoplastic.

The RO membrane is right before the holding tank, so the tank holds only purified, plastic-free, water.

Our holding tank is NSF certified and made of stainless steel. It has an internal rubber bladder and polypropylene liner that makes contact with the water. Both are heat-treated so that they do not leach plastic particles back into the water.

Right before the water hits your glass (post tank) the water passes through a final stage of filtration. Our system is unique in that we use another carbon block (vs a granular carbon post filter) within this final stage. The carbon block eliminates the risk of channeling and forces the product water through a 1-micron block. Microplastics are larger than this, so even if something was picked up within the filtrations process, it would be filtered out as it leaves the tank on its way to your glass
No, Cloud is a drinking water filter only and should not be used for whole home applications.
How easy is the installation?
Installing Cloud RO requires some basic knowledge of under-sink plumbing, but Cloud is far easier to install than traditional reverse osmosis systems. A 0.5 in-1.25 in diameter hole must be accessible to install the dedicated drinking water faucet included with your purchase. A sink sprayer or soap dispenser can be repurposed for the faucet, or a new hole must be drilled prior to installing the Cloud system. When purchasing you will be prompted to select from a variety of available faucet styles and finishes to match your existing fixtures. Cloud is battery powered so no electrical hookup is required. The long lasting battery pack only needs to be replaced when replacing the filters. On average Cloud installation takes 30-60min and you can follow our straightforward video installation guide to get started. If you would like assistance with the Cloud RO installation, please find a local professional to install your Cloud water filtration system for you
Professional installation cost varies depending on your location, and the complexity of the job, but we typically see standard installations range in cost from $200-$500
This depends on the complexity of your setup and your ability as a handyman! We typically like to budget 30-60minutes for the installation. If you need a hole drilled it make take a bit longer depending on countertop material
Yes, you can reference our easy to follow video tutorial HERE, and a user manual is also included in the shipment.
Cloud is one of the only RO systems on the market that can be hooked up to a fridge, ice maker, multiple faucets, or installed in a basement without any additional booster pumps or addons. Cloud has an integrate hydraulic pump to maximize system pressure. Most RO systems limit system pressure to 60% of line pressure, but Cloud brings your pressure all the way up to 45psi allowing for a variety of popular connection options. The general rule of thumb is to keep the system withing 10 vertical feet, or 20 horizontal feet from the outlet point, but outside of this consideration we encourage you to hook Cloud up in any a way that best suits your need.
Everything you need for a standard installation is included in the Cloud box. We have precut all tubing and pre-connected many of the fittings to make your life a little easier. The box includes the Cloud System (magazine and base), a 2.8-gallon holding tank, your selected faucet, all filter cartridges, a battery pack, tubing, quick-connect fittings, a new supply valve for your inlet connection, a waste drain saddle valve, and some additional tools to help make the job easier.

You will need to provide a screw driver, power drill, 1/4in drill bit, an adjustable wrench, and some towels to collect any drips during installation.

Click here to see a video of what’s in the box
Yes, a small drinking water faucet is required and is installed next to your main faucet. This faucet is included in your purchase and comes in a variety of styles and finishes to match your existing fixtures. The dedicated drinking water faucet can replace an existing soap dispenser, water sprayer, or plug. If you do not have one of these existing holes, a new one can be drilled. Drilling the faucet hole can be tricky and we recommend you confirm the material being drilled and the tools needed to ge the job done right, or simply source a professional for the job.
Well it's a good question and the answer but unfortunately it does not hook up to your main faucet. Cloud RO features super powerful reverse osmosis filtration, and this process is a bit slow. So, the filtered water is stored in a 2.8-gallon tank ready for you to drink. If you were using that same water for dishes and hand washing then you would run out of water pretty quickly. Secondly, reverse osmosis does create wastewater (more on that above). Using filtered water for household activities like dishes ends up wasting more water than necessary

The one exception to this rule is a three way faucet. These are becoming more popular and contain a dedicated drinking water line within the main faucet assembly.
Cloud RO lives under your sink and connects to a separate drinking water faucet. Oftentimes this faucet needs to be installed by drilling a hole in your countertop or sink basin. In this case, you would need your landlord's permission to add the fixture. If a faucet, sprayer, soap dispenser, or existing plug is already in place, then installation should be no problem.

In addition to the faucet, a small hole needs to be added to your undersink waste drain pipe. This small hole is used to dispel the waste water coming out of the system. This is a small hole in an unpressurized drain pipe. It is not difficult to drill the hole in a plastic/pvc pipe, and can easily be patched with a plug or epoxy.
Nope. Unlike tankless systems, Cloud does not need a power outlet. We know that power isn’t always available under the sink, so we designed the system with a long lasting battery pack. The battery pack contains non-hazardous, alkaline batteries, and will last several years. We typically send a battery pack replacement alongside your other filters so you can simply change them all at once.
The short answer is yes, the system will work with well water and is a great option because it removes such a wide variety of contaminants. the long answer is it kind of depends on your existing setup. The system needs standard water pressure to operate at 40-80psi ideally. We also recommend a pretreatment system be in place in order to treat any potential bacterial contamination prior to reaching the Cloud system. When using well water it is important to disinfect the water before any in-home application is considered.
As long as you are supplying the system with pre-treated municipal water at a pressure above 40psi then you can certainly use Cloud in your RV.
Anything I need to know about usage or maintenance?
Cloud RO is really smart. Internal sensors track both water usage and water quality. Unlike most competitor products we don't tell you to replace your filters every 6 months. That is an arbitrary timeline, and we know that every household is different. A family of six needs to replace filters more often than a family of two. So, what does that mean? It means that when your system needs a change we notify you and prompt you to purchase the filters that need to be replaced. Easy peasy. On average a family of four can expect to budget one filter change a year at about $200 annually, but again, this is an average and we promise to only get you replacement filters when you need them. We ship replacements directly to you and shipping is always free
$200 for a full set of replacement filters+battery pack. The timeline varies per the above, but with typical usage we generally recommend one full filter change per year ($200 annually
We designed Cloud to make filter changes much easier so that you can do it yourself.. When you need to change your filters you simply pull the front lever down, this disconnects your water automatically and disengages the entire 'filter magazine' from the base. No need to touch any plumbing. Once the lever is in the down position, you simply remove the magazine and change your filters outside of your kitchen cabinet (on the floor, countertop, in the sink, etc.), which makes changes much easier. The filter cartridges twist in and out with ease, and the battery pack drops straight down into place.
Is that first pour a little cloudy? For the first week or two you may notice that the first draw in the morning is a bit cloudy. These are teeny tiny hydrogen bubbles, that are caused by the mineral reaction. If you let your glass sit for about ten seconds you will notice the bubbles actually evaporate out of the top of your glass. These bubbles are healthy, and totally normal. They will go away over the first few weeks of usage as the mineral reaction becomes less strong
You may notice some air bursting and popping out of the faucet when it first starts to flow. This typically happens for about a week or two after an new set of filters is installed. This may give you a jump, but it is totally normal. The air in the line is caused by the healthy minerals reacting with the purified water. The magnesium causes some additional hydrogen to be created in the water. You can even see the small hydrogen bubbles in your glass when you first fill up in the morning and they will quickly evaporate off the surface of the water. This reaction is strongest when you first install new filters. The burst will happen every morning at first pour, and last a week or so before dissipating completely.
Yes, we would recommend you use Cloud water for cooking. Although it may not be totally necessary for all cooking applications, we do like to use filtered water for anything that may absorb water like rice or oatmeal.
It is impossible to measure all of the specific toxins in your water without the support of a lab. Our water tool and app provides a snapshot of historical water quality data in a region. It is not intended to provide exact data for your home at this momemnt. Our third-party data partner SimpleLab collects this data from many sources including EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS), EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO), United States Geological Survey (USGS) Water Quality Portal, freedom of information act or direct requests from water quality databases across 46 states, and combine that public data with first party test result data from water samples collected through SimpleLab's water testing service, Tap Score. SimpleLab has over 1.5 million first-party water test results nationwide.

Disclaimer: While water quality near the search address may represent water quality risks to your tap, there are several important considerations to note. If your tap water comes from a utility, most water quality samples and violation records relate to water quality at some point in the water distribution system rather than at your tap. If your tap water comes from groundwater or surface water, average concentrations of water quality contaminants nearby do not necessarily reflect the quality of your tap water. The most accurate water data about your tap requires tap water testing. SimpleLab works tirelessly to produce the best possible data, but in some cases, publicly available data may be inaccurate or incomplete. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of these results.
Long story short, we do not have a sanitizing procedure because we find it cumbersome for our customers. Instead, we simply swap your tank out when it’s time for a fresh one (about every 3 years). In addition, the tanks typically lose their charge and need to be repressurized after a few years of use anyways!

The cleaning procedures for RO tanks are typically recommended to avoid any bacteria buildup in the reservoir. Our system includes anti-bacterial media that is certified to kill 99.9% of bacteria. In addition, our system is unique in that it has internal sensors that track tank health. The tank sensor is focused primarily on pressure which dissipates over time. As we see any degradation in tank health we simply swap out your tank for a new one. This will only occur every 2-4 years, and the cost is nominal (about $30)
I have some questions about shipping, billing, warranty, or returns
If you are unsatisfied with the product you can return it for a refund. You just need to pay for return shipping. We will send you a label and we will refund the card on file when we receive the returned system. Systems that have been damaged due to improper use or installation will not be covered by the satisfaction guarantee.
Due to high demand Cloud has a 2-3 week shipping delay. FedEx and UPS are our preferred shipping partners. We will send you a tracking number when your order hits the road. Once shipped you can expect delivery within 5 business days of your shipment leaving our warehouse. Please allow 48 hrs for your tracking to begin to show movement. It often takes this long for the shipment to get scanned in, but rest assured that once you receive tracking your shipment is en route.
Cloud offers a 12-month warranty period that covers any mechanical issues you have with the system. The Cloud RO system warranty covers defects due to improper manufacturing and includes cosmetic and performance flaws that may occur during the production or assembly of Cloud RO. The warranty is valid for 12 months from the purchase date. This 1-year window will be known as the “Warranty Period”

This warranty does not cover any systems that have been installed outside of the guidance and specifications outlined in the user manual. The warranty does not cover the filter cartridges or any issues that arise due to not replacing the filter cartridges promptly. In addition, this warranty will be null and void if Cloud RO is used with any components or parts not specifically provided by Cloud. This includes replacement filter components and all accessories supplied such as valves, fittings, and faucets.

Warranty Service - Please submit all warranty claims to support@cloudwaterfilters.com. A customer support representative will follow up to confirm the issues and ship replacement components as needed.
You can update your shipping or billing information on your account page HERE. Or simply reach out to support@cloudwaterfilters.com for assistance
We currently only serve the continental US. If you are interested in Cloud and live in Canada please reach out to support@cloudwaterfilters.com for more information.
Yes, we currently ship to Alaska and Hawaii with no additional charge.
Yes! Your referred friend will get $100 off a Cloud device, you get an $80 credit towards your next filter replacement pack. The more friends you refer the more credit you will receive. Find your unique referral link at the bottom of your account page online or in the Cloud App.
We do have a wholesale program with discounts for resellers or bulk purchasing. Please reach out to support@cloudwaterfilters.com for information.

And if you can't find an answer here, the best way to contact us is via email. We're happy to assist you in any way we can.
